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Jamie Vanden Bos


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bundle of Joy

I finally got to meet baby Adam after taking so many pictures of him in his mommy's belly. He is just the sweetest little thing ever! He was such a good boy during his little photo shoot:) He slept through almost the whole thing, even with me putting on all the silly hats and repositioning him every few minutes.

I have to say thank you to my friend Helen for knitting me the cutest hat ever for these pictures, She is amazing:) I was so inspired by her that I begged her to give me a knitting lesson. I will keep you all posted on my progress.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Growing Belly

It has been a long time time since I sat down to update my poor little blog:) I think my New Years Resolution needs to be that i will stay on top of it in 2012.

The last few months I have been taking some pictures of an adorable pregnant lady named Nikki. I am so grateful to have been the one to do this for her. We did 3 different photo shoots to capture the different stages of her pregnancy. She was so willing to try everything and anything I threw at her. It gave me so much practice on all the different angles to use and I learned what worked and what didn't. I really can't thank her enough for all the experience:)

She has since given birth to beautiful baby Adam. Congratulations to her beautiful family.

Adam's pictures will be posted very soon!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Huge Accomplishment

My good friend and co-worker Tiffany just graduated from college to be an RN, Although she made it look so easy to all of us I am sure it was not an easy task. I admire her for her strength and dedication to go for what she wanted to do in life. I think it is just amazing. I know she is going to be super successful in her new career. I am so proud of her!

Monday, May 30, 2011


What a pleasure it was to do this shoot! On top of being this cute , this senior had an incredible personality and was silly, silly, silly. I honestly don't think I have ever laughed so hard at a photo shoot:) I have the pics to prove it, but I'll keep those to myself for his sake:)

Thanks again Kody for letting me be a part of this special time in your life!

Good luck!

Monday, May 16, 2011


I will never get use to how fast my kids are growing up. It feels like just yesterday I gave birth to my first child, then known as Peanut when she was just a little thing, Of course she would kill us if we called her that now:) Now she is an amazing beautiful young lady who has brought us so many joys in life. It is truly amazing to watch the transformation that takes place from the time our babies are born to the incredible people they become. WOW! It is hard to believe that my first born just turned 15.

To Peanut: I am so proud of the young woman you have become. I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to watch you grow into who you are today. You have a kind and gentle heart, Your sense of humor is incredible, You love to help people and give so much of yourself. You can become anything you want to be! I know you will do so many great things in this life. And one day when you have a child of your own you will watch them grow and they will fill your heart will all the love and joy you have filled our hearts with.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beautiful inside and out!

I am realizing how very lucky I am to have such beautiful people in my life. I am not referring to outer beauty, although you all are. I am talking about the people that touch our lives in ways that make us who we are, The ones that you turn to when you need a friend, The ones that you go to for advice, The shoulders that are always there to cry on, the people you trust with your deepest secrets, People you couldn't imagine your life without.

I am grateful to have so many of those PEOPLE in my life.

Here is just one of those people who I love and adore, Who I couldn't live without.

My sis and best friend!

Beautiful inside and out!